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Ok Data from A D200 on the SW66 combined with data from the 350D onthe Meg72


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Cheers NGC....

I was extremely sceptical of the claims and didnt trust the sample data that comes with it so waited till i could try my own warts and all data form variuos setups with it. as you said used by teh big boys... so this imaging midget just had to have a go...

Hmm side by side OTA's with DSLR's on both ... grabbing data at the same time... stacked in DSS (still prefer it for basic stacking with darks, bia etc) then combine the outputs in Registar...


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here you Beamer...

here are the two input images - resized to 800 wide , the combined image showing the ovelap - resized to 800 wide

Nikon D200 SW Eq-66 FF III


(click to enlarge)

Modded 350D WO Meg72 FF III


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)

As you can see I hadn't optimised the input images so think there's more to come yet...


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