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1.0 flattener recommendations

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As titled, not looking for a reducer, I want to image at the native focal length. Scope is a 102mm doublet at F7 (714mm) and camera is the Canon 6D. I would ideally like to keep the rotator on the end of the drawtube. This leaves an M48 thread on the rotator to connect to. @FLO  have the new Stellarmira 1.0 flatteners and they have M48 female/male threads. One more expensive than the other. Would one of these work?

Im open to other suggestions also. Just to point out, I'm not looking for perfect round pin point stars in the corners with this setup. I want to image smaller targets like galaxies and maybe close ups on some nebula areas. I'm expecting to do large central crops so happy enough with decent correction over a chip area similar to an ASI1600.




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I use a TSFLAT2 visually in my AT72ED and TS-Optics 90mm APO Triplet.  It works wonders to flatten the field without changing the focal length.  It does have a pretty long back focal distance to accommodate either a 2" diagonal or a filter wheel or an off axis guider.  It comes with a M48 thread on each end.

Here's a couple of photos taken with it on their webpage:


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I did look at the TSFlat2 but a bit put off by the amount of spacers you need. I've looked at loads and I've gone ahead and ordered the StellaMira 1.0 generic flattener. Given the price, I've also ordered the 0.8 one as well. Best of both worlds. They seem to be the only ones that will fit nicely between the roatator/tilt adapter and camera.

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