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first Venus


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On 17/04/2020 at 04:35, CraigT82 said:

Nice work phase clearly showing, maybe a little overexposed?

Hi Craig. Had a go with Venus last night. Used 120x with 2x Barlow.

Set it up with a smartphone adaptor and reduced the ISO to 50 and kept messing about with the shutter. At about 1/100 the brightness was taken away leaving a dull image which seemed to show the planet best. Is there anything else I can do to try and pick it up better? 

Edited by astromackem
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3 hours ago, astromackem said:

Hi Craig. Had a go with Venus last night. Used 120x with 2x Barlow.

Set it up with a smartphone adaptor and reduced the ISO to 50 and kept messing about with the shutter. At about 1/100 the brightness was taken away leaving a dull image which seemed to show the planet best. Is there anything else I can do to try and pick it up better? 

You could try shooting a phone video instead of stills.  Should be able to convert the video file to an AVI or something that can be stacked in autostakkert?

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20 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

You could try shooting a phone video instead of stills.  Should be able to convert the video file to an AVI or something that can be stacked in autostakkert?

Exactly what I have done. Took some video files- converted to AVI. Unfortunately autostakkert looks ridiculously complicated once I opened it up. Will have to learn how to do it.

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