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I always thought mu SH2-132 was over processed and finally got around to redoing it (what else is there to do?)   I like the results much better,  I hadn't planned on posting 2 images, but I am a bit torn between the two, one being very soft while the other is much softer than the original, but still may be considered flagrant by some.  The images are in order of punch.  the first is the original, teh second is the new version that I am calling the final, and the third is the softest one--an intermediary stage of the second image--a midway point as it were.  My feeling is the first is over sharpened and over processed in general.  It may not be terrible, and I am sure many will say it looks fine....and it does upon first glance.  But as the glances accumulate day to day, week to week and month to month, it becomes apparent that the troops got a bit over-zealous.




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For me - when flicking between the Final and the Original - yes indeed a big improvement. Subtle....but but very evident whe one looks close in.

Therein a question.....how many people actually do look that close at posted images? 

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1 hour ago, Knight of Clear Skies said:

Think I like the top version best. Yes, arguably a little over-processed but I'd simply label it 'enhanced view'. Nothing wrong with presenting it alongside a more natural version after all.

Wow.....didn’t expect that from you, after the suggestion to dim the outer arms still further of Ngc 3184.   I do appreciate all opinions. Thank you

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44 minutes ago, Kinch said:

For me - when flicking between the Final and the Original - yes indeed a big improvement. Subtle....but but very evident whe one looks close in.

Therein a question.....how many people actually do look that close at posted images? 

Thanks Brendan.  Hard to say. For me, i always look very closely at images that I judge “very good” upon first glance.  If they pass the first test, so to speak.  That’s not to say full resolution. Only the very best unbinned images hold up to full resolution.  But certainly clicking on the image is required, not just looking while scrolling through the posts. 

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2 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

Just having another look at these and I think because of the dark formations the rest needs a little more pop so maybe the first image has the edge.

Thanks for looking.  I find the dark formations in the first version clipped a bit.

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