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Camera for imaging the Moon

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Hey :)

I’m looking to get in to lunar imaging.

Currently I have a Canon 6d which when paired to my Altair 6” RC (1370/f9) only covers a small amount of the frame.

Id like to get much closer ...so Options are a Barlow in-line with the 6d


a different camera that ‘crops’in more...crop sensor dslr or dedicated Astro camera 


What do you guys use who lunar image?

i don’t know much about this type of imaging, from watching videos you take a video, stack the frames and process to create a photo? Is that correct? 

looking to spend up to £300 be it a photo-visual Barlow using the gear I have OR A used crop dslr or a new dedicated Astro camera..whatever is considered best 

Should be a photo below showing different options I’m looking at but open to advice on Everything 👍🏼 
Cheers, Ant


Edit ... the 294mc definitely isn’t £300...but it fits so sweet!lol


Edited by AntHart
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I only do solar imaging and spectroscopy.... but the Size of the solar disk is close to that of the full moon.

At prime focus of your scope the disk would be 13.7mm to big for the usual sensors. You really want a fast frame mono CMOS camera...

I use an ASI 1600MM for solar with an ED80 (600/80).

You could consider adding a x0.5 reducer and a smaller chipped CMOS.


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Hey Ant,

There’s quite a few cameras in the ZWO range which will give you a ‘closer up’ view. I use the ASI224MC (Don’t know if you’ve considered this) and it’s given me some superb results, considering it’s currently sitting at £220 from FLO.

As Merlin suggested a reducer can be used as well, as the chip on the 224 is pretty small. 

The process that you described (Video stacking to make an image) is correct yes.

I’ve included some of the moon shots I’ve got with the 224MC, NexStar 5SE (1250/127) and a 2x barlow.

Hope this helps, I’m only a beginner, so someone correct me if I’m wrong! 😄


Edited by JoshHopk
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