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Just Venus in IR (4th of April)


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Hi all,

Yestarday I tried again to take pictures of Venus with my ZWB1 stacked with a #47 but the seeing was simply awful. Since it was clear that noting good was going to come out of it,  I decided to place ZWO's IR580 instead:


The gear:

Celestron CPC 800 GPS XLT
ZWO IR580 filter
GSO 1.25" 2.5x Apochromatic Barlow Lens
Risingcam GPCMOSS02000KMA (IMX290 mono camera)

The software:

ToupSky (I made three minute movies with 13,53 gain and 18 ms)
Autostakkert (30%)
The Gimp

Regards and thanks for watching,



Edited by NenoVento
wrong month!
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