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First mosaic!!!

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OK, I realise the solar images I was producing with the ED80/ASI 1600 and the x2.5 Powermate resulted in a full disk image slightly larger than the chip size....bumma.
The answer (other than finding a different Barlow...) was to take two images and join them as a mosaic covering the whole solar disk...sounds simple.
Took the necessary two images, but noticed straight away that there were significant problems with gradients within the images which did not match..

First MS ICE; used by many to produce very good panoramic images - didn't work for me - couldn't get the two images to align...

Over to CS5 - spent far too much time messing around with layers and gradients..... and ended up finding Photomerge....two minutes later (well actually more like 10 minutes, they were BIG tif files) - job done!
(I had started with Scott Ireland's "bible" - Photoshop Astronomy, only to find it very out of date and only talks about CS and CS2...it was published in 2005)

The attached H alpha image was taken on the 27 March 2020, SM60 DS/ ED80/ ASI 1600.
If you can identify the joint, I'll send you a packet of toilet paper, or buy you a beer, whatever you prefer.

Another tool in the box - hopefully to provide better full disk images in the future.


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