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I managed a quick fifty minutes or so session last evening before the cloud closed in again.   A lot of cloud dodging and indifferent seeing but I persisted as I wanted to capture the 'Eyes of Clavius' effect caused by the rims of two craters catching the sunlight when the interior of the crater is otherwise filled with shadow.  I must admit, I had never given this effect any name myself, though I have seen it many times.  According to the April issue of Sky at Night magazine (in their April Highlights) the Eyes of Clavius is the clair-obscur  name given to this phenomena.

The single frame below was taken at 7.17 pm with the SW 120ED, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/200 sec at 400 asa.  The close-ups are all crops taken from the same frame.








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