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Lx 200 16 inch classic

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Hi can any one help on a Lx200 16 inch classic ,over a few nights of clear weather I have been trying to do some video astronomy with a atik infinity camera and have noticed that on finder view that the scope is not tracking as should but target star is moving in RA ie moves to west for a period of time then returns to the centre before moving east for a period of time ( I have the finder view set to 9 seconds and the target star will move about half a star diameter in that time ) I have read about training the RA on other scopes but cannot find it on this one only dec training is there 


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I have a couple of 16" LX200's, one de- forked and fitted to a professional class mount and the other on the usual factory fork system.  I used the latter for DSO video imaging quite a lot in the past with exposures between 10 and 60 seconds at F3.3 without problems.  I thought the 16" had a periodic error correction facility?.  To be frank, although I've found the telescope to be excellent I don't think the mechanics and particularly the electronics to be up to the same standard.     🙂

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Hi can not find anything in the manual about PEC this scope has seen a few years so maybe before its time ,I have had problems with not stacking on mainly galaxies  but  no problems on bigger objects like M42 .So I was looking to see if tracking was the problem, many thanks 

Edited by baldeliftman
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