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Jupiter and Mars Conjunction


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The forecast was clear for this morning so I decided to try and catch Jupiter and Mars while they were still reasonably close to each other. I’d been up until 1am observing comets so the alarm came hard at 5am. Grabbing the Equinox 80, I headed outside. Jupiter was immediately obvious but it took another second to spot Mars naked eye. The sky was lighter than I was expecting and was a reminder that we only have around a couple of months of astro darkness left before summer. The view through the eyepiece showed Jupiter and three Galilean moons and some distance away a pale orange Mars. I fiddled around and got a poor iPhone shot for prosperity. Increasing magnification on Mars, I believe I could see brightening on one pole which I presumed to be an ice cap. Moving away from these two planets I was able to find my third planet of the morning, Saturn. It’s distinctive shape recognisable even at very low power. It showed surprisingly well against the rapidly brightening sky. Higher magnification helped to darken the background of course. At this point my neighbour popped his head out the wonder to enquire as to whether my wife had put me into social isolation outside! Naturally, I confirmed this to be the case. I spent a few minutes trying to find Mercury without success. I think it was just a bit too low to clear the rooftops or perhaps the sky had brightened too much. It was now time to head in for some sleep before the festivities of Mother’s Day and my son’s 8th birthday. 

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1 hour ago, Captain Magenta said:

Good God. Well done. That alone gets my admiration!!


Hehe thanks Magnus. My wife had a similar reaction though I don’t believe admiration was the emotion she conveyed to me 🤣

Edited by Littleguy80
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