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Flip Mirrors

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I assume you're looking for a "flip mirror" type set-up to allow the injection of a reference lamp beam into the spectrograph??

The Vixen flip mirror which has T thread connections on the body could be used reversed to allow the reference lamp to be fitted to the guide port and the spectrograph to the inlet port.....

(Fitting the lamp to the spectrograph body and a small internal  "flip" mirror would be the real solution)


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5 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:


I assume you're looking for a "flip mirror" type set-up to allow the injection of a reference lamp beam into the spectrograph??

The Vixen flip mirror which has T thread connections on the body could be used reversed to allow the reference lamp to be fitted to the guide port and the spectrograph to the inlet port.....

(Fitting the lamp to the spectrograph body and a small internal  "flip" mirror would be the real solution)


Yes! I wanted to easily be able to use the nitrogen spectrum lamp. I thought the Vixen version might be reversible but wasn't sure.



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2 hours ago, Merlin66 said:


I assume you're looking for a "flip mirror" type set-up to allow the injection of a reference lamp beam into the spectrograph??

The Vixen flip mirror which has T thread connections on the body could be used reversed to allow the reference lamp to be fitted to the guide port and the spectrograph to the inlet port.....

(Fitting the lamp to the spectrograph body and a small internal  "flip" mirror would be the real solution)


Hi Ken

I just re-read your reply and bit unsure now. Would the Vixen flip mirror let me select inputs i.e. the telescope or the calibration source? So the flip mirror would be connected to the scope and lowspec T2 scope connector? I was a bit confused by the mention of 'guide port' as that's separate and 'standalone'?



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Yes. The Vixen is usually configured to allow the straight through path for imaging/ viewing and when the mirror is dropped the beam is sent to the "guide port" or secondary port of the flip mirror.

Sorry for any confusion.


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4 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:


Yes. The Vixen is usually configured to allow the straight through path for imaging/ viewing and when the mirror is dropped the beam is sent to the "guide port" or secondary port of the flip mirror.

Sorry for any confusion.


Ok, so, if I got one, I would just connect it back to front from normal. Not sure when/if I'll get one as Western Europe is shutting down at the moment 😞 



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