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De Mairan's Nebula


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Well, De Mairan's sounds a bit more de Luxe than M43, eh? Sorry about this 'M42 etc' obsession of mine but I wanted to get in there with the Meade 127. I had vaguely hoped for that 5th Trapezium star but, alas, no. This is RGB with my now compulsory synthetic Lum added. each colour got 20 x 20secs and 20 x 85 secs.

I am struggling to get AstroArt to give me a mosaic of the Rosette. The images don't align- one being rotated with respect to the other by a few degrees. I am tempted to buy the rather expensive Registar which I have seen in action and is incredible. Advice welcome on AstroArt, which deseres a Worst Instructions Pulitzer Prize.

Right, no more Great Nebula, I promise!

Happy Christmas to all,


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Beautiful Olly. Do you use Eqmod? I think that has a mosaic function, at least for grabbing the shots. joining them all is fiddly but DSS should do it if theres enough crossover???

Registar. Yep, what an amazing tool! I have been trialling the demo, and can drop in pics taken with different lenses, cameras, telescopes, everything, and it has scaled and matched them all without missing a beat, and only needing ten stars to do it. Quite awesome, its definetly on the 'aquire list' at some point.


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What an excellent piece of work Olly, very dramatic, and so colourful.

Those french skies are very friendly aren't they. You do produce some fantastic images.

I hope you and your family Have a great Christmas.

Ron. :thumbright:

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