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Ross London Telescope Serial Number

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I have several genuine Ross London telescopes and so have taken an interest in the serial numbers. I have never found a definitive guide to the serial numbers, but the lower the number, the earlier the date of manufacture.  49994 could be of the order of 100 years old. But what is it?  It looks like it could be an exchangeable eyepiece for a spotting scope.

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A Google enquiry throws up a paper compliled by Terence Wayland suggesting that Andrew Ross was born in 1798. Thomas Ross was not born until 1823.  Andrew was works manager for WT Gilbert until 1828 when that firm went bankrupt.

In 1830, Andrew Ross sets up in Albermarle Street and first marks his microscopes with serial numbers in 1842 and published a catalogue including several telescopes in that same year. One suspects that the practice of him marking telescopes had a similar commencement date.

This well researched paper embraces the fascinating history thereafter, right up to the liquidation of Ross Optical Limited as recently as 1982.

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The Leeds Astronomical Society have a Ross telescope which was obtained in 1859 when the soc. founded. It's said that Sir John Herschel had some involvement in it's procurement.

Here's a couple of recent pictures of it from last year around the time of the club's 160th anniversary (on a more modern mount!)




Edited by Aramcheck
wrong pic...
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  • 7 months later...
15 hours ago, Ryan85 said:

We have this telescope that has the name E. L berthon the English inventor...... Made by Ross Ltd serial number in the pics can anyone fill us in with more information please 

It looks like a genuine Ross. I can't read the serial number from the photo.  As far as I know, they are numbered in order of manuafacture and so the number will give some clue to its age. There is a list online that gives a few sample serial numbers and dates.  I can't get more than a rough idea of its size from the photos but it may be an 'officer of the watch' model that has lost its original leather sheathing.

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