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Shots grabbed with new lens


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Finally, managed to get outside tonight with my D300 and 70-300 AF-S VR lens. All of these photos are single exposures, tripod mounted on a Manfrotto 055XPROB with an 808RC4 head.

Feel free to try tweaking them if you think you can make them better.



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Hi Chris its nice to see your out and taking pics.

Use the camera in RAW mode and take a sewries of exposures of each target and tehn stack theses using DSS . The maximum exposure for a fixed tripod depends onthe focal length taht the shot is taken at and the position of the target in the sky.


Well done on gettin gout there matey :(

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Nice shots Chris, it's good to see you've got out there and taken images, and I hope it's doing you good too. You have got a good focus there (not easy on a DSLR)! As Peter says, take several short shots of the same target (your Pleiades looks like a good choice) and see what stacking will bring out!

I know that the 'correct' procedure with a DSLR is to always use 'raw' mode, but, on those occasions when I've done that, I've tried uploading the RAWs and stacking and processing them, then uploading the JPG's (which are provided alongside the RAWs as a freebie) and stacking and processing them ... and to tell the truth I couldn't see a lot of difference. So, much of the time I forego the RAWs, save a lot of time and SD card space, and upload just JPGs. It's wrong, I know it is, but better to get lots of reasonable images in JPG than only a few bad images in RAW - especially if my window of opportunity for an object is short. Anyway that's my working method - feel free to knock it!

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Great effort Chris! They've come out really well. Like already mentioned a few taken of he same view and stacked would make quite a difference. Ultimately RAW is the best format to use, as this is better for stretching and so on in the processing, but it doesn't hurt to learn using JPG's, especially if it's easier. :thumbright:


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Good shooting Chris. Lovely sharp focus, next step is to grab a sequence and stack them in DSS. RAW is better for that, as the 16bit images have more capability for stretching than 8 bit images, but use whatever you're comfortable with, it's all good practice. I know there's a chart around somewhere, I think Barkis had it (I can't find it) that shows you the exposure time for an approx 35mm focal length at various Altitudes.

Good on ya for getting out there. How are you liking the new lens ?

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I like all of those......... they are 'realistic'......... what you might expect to see through binos or a scope at low power. I have a similar lens (unstabilised version) and 'am very pleased with the widefield results that it can produce.I've had a quick tweak of pictures 1 & 2, can't claim there 'better' but a few more stars show through.Cheers,CW.

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Cheers for the comments folks. I'll have a go at trying to shoot some frames for stacking next time I get the chance to play. I think they included some sort of program on the last S@N coverdisc, although, I could be wrong!

The lens is great! I'm loving using it - it suits my way of shooting far better than a shorter lens. I'm still amazed at how effective the VR is. I thought it would be a bit of a gimmick, but it works really well. I've shot at 300mm in low light using a shutter speed of about 1/40sec! There's no way I could hand-hold that without the VR enabled. I'll try to post some pictures of some birds I photographed in Wales over the last couple of days. There's one (not too great) of some sort of bird of prey - I'd like to know what it is if anyone knows.

Anyhow, thanks again folks. :(

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