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Blown away!


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Blown away, not by the views, but by the wind! Extremely windy tonight with scudding clouds, but I thought....what the hell......I'll have a go, and just to add to the challenge, I'll use my longest scope - my new 150PL. Not surprisingly the seeing was pretty awful, just to find out how awful, I put a high power eyepiece in and aimed at Polaris - it was not good, I estimated 3 to 4 on the Pickering Scale though I think it improved somewhat an hour later. I had a brief look at some better know doubles (often waiting for clouds to dissipate) but, the views were disappointing so I decided lower power was the way and after failing to find M97 or M108 in UMa, or any of the brighter galaxies in Leo (I didn't try very hard!), I ended up having a nice twenty minutes on M44, observing the very subtle colour differences of some of its members and attempting a sketch. Surpisingly the scope was really steady in the high winds, I think the Skytee on the heavy 2" tripod at its lowest setting provides a very solid base, although I did sometimes worry whether the very gusty high wind was capable of blowing the whole lot over!

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