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synscan alignment procedure


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In the synscan manual under the heading "tips for improving alignment accuracy" it says with regard to backlash - "When centering an alignment star in the eyepiece, the operation should always end by using the up and right direction keys to move the axes".

First of all - why does that work? Does the synscan software make an assumption that those are the last directions used?

Second. I found a youtube video on this subject which seemed pretty good but it was said in the video that you should always dab the opposite buttons to the last ones used. So for example if you centered the star using up/right then you should finish by dabbing  down/left. I assume to back the mount into the backlash zone as it were. Is that wrong?





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The SynScan app has an annoying and not-at-all apparent lockout on the alignment process that typically flashes the right and up buttons.  When it does this, it dims the acceptance button ever-so-slightly.  The first time it did this to me, I didn't find it obvious that the acceptance button was dimmed.  The star was perfectly aligned and I wanted to go on.  I thought the application was hung because it wouldn't go to the next step.  After a reboot and retry of the whole process, I decided to tap the two flashing arrow buttons and presto!  The acceptance button became ever-so-slightly brighter and worked when pressed.  It may be this is seemingly pointless procedure is in place to force the backlash adjustment mentioned in the manual.  The SynScan hand device does not operate in this manner.

I provide this bit of information in the hope I will prevent someone throwing their tablet into the creek as I nearly did.  That said, the SynScan tablet/phone app actually works very well once you get used to it.



Edited by JonCarleton
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