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Bubble & Co (NGC7635, NGC7538, Sh2-159) Ha


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Here is the Ha data collected for the image I posted yesterday. A bit wider field since it was collected with the ESPRIT 100. I added a very slight touch of reddish tint to the image since I thought it looked a bit better - after all it is a Ha image. Here is the thread for the HaRGB image:


20200124 Bubble&CoHaPS16smallSign.jpg

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Very nice images Goran, must try the bubble again. BTW did you ever try out the PEC on the Eqmod and mount we were talking about before the sun became a pest to you up there in far north. Based on a good run with it before I bought the CEM60 I think it did help.


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Thanks a lot Alan. No, I have not got around to do any PEC or to use Eqmod for my mounts. I use Cartes de Ciel for the Mesu and just the hand controller for the EQ8. As I understand it PEC may not contribute much when you use guiding and some say it may even come in conflict with the guiding. At least with the Mesu I do not think PEC is recommended since the direct drive makes the periodic error very smooth and easily adjusted by guiding. This image was taken by one of the two scopes I have on the Mesu.

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