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First image of 2020. The Moon


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Just managed my first image of 2020 with the Celestron 130SLT and Canon 60D with a 2 x Barlow to allow focus.

Managed to set the scope up and took a 30 second movie with a Canon 60D as the clouds rolled in rather quickly, converted and centred 750 frames with PIPP, stacked in Registax6 with some final edits in Affinity Photo.

More work required, but happy with the image.




Edited by Bagginsies
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Still aiming for the Moon due to the rubbish weather we have had in Hampshire! Managed 3 pictures so far this month, but I am gutted it is forecast cloudy for the Penumbral Eclipse tomorrow 😞 

Plenty more in the year though so fingers crossed!

Tonight's Moon and a trio of my moons so far in January. Still lots of room for improvement and it is very much still hit and miss for me.


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Nice pictures Science562h. I haven't looked into filters etc yet, I am still at the 'point the telescope at it, focus, take a 30 second movie and let registax do it's magic' stage!

A lot more to understand about filters, etc and a lot more YouTube videos to watch 🙂

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You doing real good job, you have way better DSLR than me & your Moon looks nice, with smooth seas & neutral color. That's a good gray. I'm fighting the autofocus from my Sony 20.0 MP DSC-H300 Cybershot, I can't turn it off because it's fixed, even in manual. I cant changeout my lens. I could never stack these anyway because there was 95%+ cloud cover, bad weather & I know, I had some thin atmosphere cover during snapshots. It was a real drag: wait & luck out for maybe a 10 sec window of opportunity. I finally called it, after 2-4 hr.  

You right, Moon doesn't require filters, if using a DSLR. I change ISO & shutter speed for my contrast but with this 12" 'scope, I have way too much light. It can blind me permanently. Even these are over exposed, with filters. I have to use polarizing filters, that reduce light pass to 1%-13% for the correct contrast. 13% won't even dim it enough. 

Edited by Science562h
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