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Need some technical info on AzGTI mount


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I would like to know following if anyone can provide the info:

- how "sturdy" is the mount? It's rated at 5kg, but I'm guessing that is a bit optimistic. What's mechanical finish like?

- Would counterweight shaft + cw help in AZ mode for a bit heavier scope - like 3 - 3.5 kg OTA + accessories?

- I like it is full goto mount, but I will probably not use it as such in visual - can it work without extensive star alignment? Can I just set it level and point it roughly north and tell it: "there you go, you are all set now, I just need fairly decent tracking from you and not precise gotos"?

- I have hand controller from HEQ5 syntrek (not synscan) - once I do initial thing via phone app, would I be able to use that just to adjust target position and pan around at low speed - like "cruising" terminator on the Moon or such?

- Have you tried it in EQ mode, and if so - what sort of wedge would be recommended for it? I've seen couple of models and they differ in price quite a bit - can I get by with cheap one or should I invest more there. I'll use it in EQ mode very sparsely and only to do some EEVA.

- Is there ASCOM software for this mount that present itself like proper mount via Wifi? What sort of connection would I need if I choose not to use wifi and go wired?

Any help with above much appreciated.


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The only thing I can say about this mount, is that be aware that there may be some quality control issues with it. I am on my second one, the first I could not get to work at all, the second is temperamental, to say the best. I have only used via the app, in AZ mode, but except for the great service from FLO, I think I regret getting it. I am far from the only one who has had issues either it seems, if what I have read here and elsewhere is true. If you get lucky and get a good one, it seems it is a fab mount. I intend to persevere with it though, because it just ticks so many boxes. With this second one however the tracking is excellent.

I use it with my C5 and it copes well with the weight of that, which to be fair is not that great. :smiley:

Edited by Greymouser
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Hi Vlaiv, I love mine. It easily holds my SW72ED / reducer / filter wheel / zwo 1600M / finder guider approx 4.5 kg. I use the Star adventurer wedge on a manfrotto tripod with the Star adventurer counterweight (and M12 to M8 adaptor) I could really use another counterweight as the 1 doesn't quite balance.

Never used it in AZ mode, just for imaging. I've used the wifi connection and recently gone to a Lynx cable ( use ascom or synscam mobile app) so I can use the laptops wifi to Teamviewer from the warm house !

I agree about the 'quality control' if you get a good one it's a cracking little mount.

The alignment has similar options to the other synscan mounts, 1 star / 2 star / solar system etc, you can even point your phone at something and it follows it. (I plate solve with APT)

So far I've imaged up to 5 mins guided with fairly round stars.


Lynx cable - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/lynx-astro-cables/lynx-astro-ftdi-eqdir-usb-adapter-for-sky-watcher-az-gti-mounts.html

Windows sysnscan app - https://skywatcher.com/download/software/synscan-app/

Ascom driver - https://skywatcher.com/download/software/ascom-driver/

EQ custom firmware - http://skywatcher.com/download/software/motor-control-firmware/


Edited by knobby
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