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Skywatcher 72mmED or WO 73mm ED

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Thinking strongly about an in-between scope that would take my 071MC without causing sampling issue, both are around the 420mm F/L mark so nothing much in it there, however the WO is almost twice the price of the SW. The simple question is, is it worth the extra money or am I better going over the top of both for a triplet at 72ishmm.

I do have a 72mm CF scope but it is not good as it was bent when I bought and had problems with the supplier, so tried to reset it myself and didn't quite get it right and don't wish to waste time using it, sooner buy another that is right from a reputable outlet.

Any advise gratefully received.


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Hi Alan,

I have been contemplating the same thing even I have a ed72. I like the WO73 due to its build quality retractable dew shield, fpl53, better focuser. 

I also hear TS do a good one as well.

I seem to have reducer for it as well. I am also thinking about just keeping 3 quality refractors and doing away with my reflector from having spinal surgery. The other scopes have good r&p focusers on them the C80ED and C100ED.



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I have just compared the two ota's with Astronomy Tools, there is some undersampling with the ASI294 MC Pro, the C80ED is well suited including a 130PDS (a lot portable then a bulky 6"), however still want to avoid a reflector set up if I can.

Edited by Skyline
Suited explaination.
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