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artifact on image with new Scope?


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Evening, i had first light for my new Ioptron 6" RC (from FLO) tonight, thought id go for something that would fill the chip up on my Atik 460EX, can anyone explain what the halo is in the image is it more likely to be a dust bunny in the imaging train or something more serious. Iv only noticed since i stretched the image a wee bit so cant do any tests till i get back out again. its present in all Lum, R,G and B filters so cant be the filters. Also iv been told to bin 2x2 with this set up by the knowledgeable folk on here , is the image soft due to this or is my focus off? used the tool in Artemis to focus so im fairly sure my focus was there or there abouts.?

m101 halo-.jpg

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Yes, just a dust bunny I think. They are only rarely caused by dust on the filters. The chip window is a batter bet.

I agree with jimjam, above, that collimation my be out. Star shapes don't look perfect and in some cases the top edge of the star looks a tad sharper than the bottom to my eye.


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