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Full frame plus jewelled handle from 8th October 2019


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Finally had the lack of cloud and the time that I have been waiting for to get the Celestron C6 on the moon and image.

Transparency was great but, on adding the X2 Barlow to the train, seeing was very poor. hey ho, at least I get an idea of the setups capabilities.

Celestron C6, Sony a6300 (image one just camera. Image two plus X2 Barlow). AZ4 mount.

Image 0ne, ISO1600, 1/250secDSC01155.thumb.JPG.cdf65d0c3ff6d011d0b9baf295804465.JPGDSC01158.thumb.JPG.51ac65d69b2067ad8335cf7ca75b13cc.JPG

Image two ISO4000, 1/100sec

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