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About to go off grid.

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Hi all.

At home I use astrometry.net to platesolve and everything is great.

However sometime in next month or so I'm going to chuck everything in campervan and head to kielder for some dark sky/mobile imaging tryouts.

Up there is no internet whatsoever so what program if any can I use to upload an image and tell my mount/cartes du ciel where its pointing.

Cheers for any help.



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1 hour ago, Stu Wilson said:

At home I use astrometry.net to platesolve and everything is great.

If you use that already then ANSVR is exactly the same engine only local (i.e. no internet) but remember to set up all the Index's required - safe bet download all and remove ones, to another directory, you think you dont need - less index's faster the solve time but you can copy them back if you change FOV.

Else download ASPS (All sky platesolve software) which does "Blind solving" and has simple set up aids

Solve times will depend on FOV and PC Hardware (SSD makes a big difference !)  so dont take other peoples times as the std.

Use any sim (even during he day) set up to test Platesolving whatever you use to get the feel BEFORE you go 🙂

I presume Windows o/s as you didn't say 🙂

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