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IC1396 in Ha

Yawning Angel

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As a number of excellent recent posts will attest, this target looks amazing when rendered in the Hubble palette - However, that means a new filter wheel and a couple more filters snuck under the radar!

So, here's the Elephant's trunk nebula in Ha. Pretty much the full frame after the stacking edges had been tidied up. I'd never noticed that the Elephant has a head too, on the right, but I showed this to one of my children and he spotted it right away. Silly Daddy

Skywatcher Evostar 80ED w 0.85 reducer
19 x 300 sec exposures, Baader 7nm Ha filter
ZWO asi1600mm-pro @ -15 degrees & unity gain 
Celestron AVX put in a good show with about 0.35 RMS
Stacked in DSS with master dark, flats and dark flats

I would say "Processed in Pi", but my random button pushing didn't yield any significant improvements, so I left it with just a stretch, curves and a light touch of noise reduction. I'll revisit it with a tutorial in hand when the nights are grim

Comments gratefully received

Elephants Trunk Nebula 19x300 Ha.png

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