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SVBONY SV48 F/5.5 2" Refractor

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Hi all. Has anyone had any dealings with the above scope? I'm looking for a refractor with these specs and the price is well within my budget. How does this compare with other similar scopes like the Bressier 102/460? I'm using it for astrophotography. Any advise would be most welcome.

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  • 3 months later...

It is!!! It seems it would be a decent rich field scope for visual observation. If I do take the plunge and buy one f these little scopes, I'll try a bit of imaging with it aswell. I simply cannot afford the awesome  ed apo refractorors with flatteners and what not, married with kids and wife would kill me if I rocked home with one. I also found a thread with an image that was taken using the scope. Someone had comented that the level of chromatic abberation / blue halo on stars was less than would have been expected from an achromatic refractor. Also a plus, I love imaging under the stars and I can live with imperfections at that price. I am seriously thinking about ordering one up!!!! 

Would you consider one yourself?

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I've already got a 20+ year old ST-80 that is pretty poor all around, an AT72ED, and a TS-Optics Photoline 90mm f/6.6 FPL53 Triplet APO; so no, I'm good on small refractors.  However, if I had none of these scopes, they would probably be far preferable to the ST-80 as a starter scope.  Some of these refractors appear to be almost identical to some of the ED scopes out there minus the expensive glass.

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4 hours ago, Dark knight 101 said:

You certainly are sorted for small refractor scopes. Your triplet apo would harvest great images, I'll take a look at your images as soon as I have learnt to navigate this forum. I'm still learning how to go places and see stuff. 

Visual only.  I just can't stand false color having started with reflectors.  Even the AT72ED's false color at higher powers was starting to grate on my nerves.  So far, I haven't noticed any false color in focus with the 90mm.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

I think I will be getting one soon. Most of the negatives had to do with affixing cameras to the focuser.

What I truly like about this scope is the quality of workmanship, a rotating focuser, a dual speed focuser,  and rings.

This is not a tin OTA, it is robust, if anything, like my Svbony ED scopes.


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I have had mine for about a year, I recommend it in every category, the stars are pin point edge to edge with a good eyepiece(s). My Porta II handles it great and sometimes I put it on my AZ5.  I haven't tried it yet with my GTi but I have WL with my Solar Helio Finder.  You will love it !   PS:  If you are a perfectionist type astronomer you may not even for that great price vs what you get.  PPS:  I have nothing to do with the Svbony company, I just own a lot of their gear.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got mine last week. 

It is a far cry from those 80ST scopes sold on the market. The build quality is tantamount to the Svbony ED scopes and AT scopes. Rugged and durable. Not lightweight aluminum.   The fit and finish is excellent. And the optics likewise.

I have some stoppage with the focuser at 42mm-50mm extension when I used my Celestron 8-24 zoom at over 60 degrees.  It might have been because I had the focus thumb screw too tight. I am going to check this out this afternoon. 

One thing is wish is that their was the same flexibility to affix a finder shoe that you find on the Svbony ED scopes rather than a fixed shoe. 

Now here is the BEST bag for the price  you can get for this scope.. It is fantastic. Under $30.  Not only that you can insert the original foam protection/insulation that came in the box in the bag.



Here are my Hemmotop bags that I use with my Svbony 80ED (cylindrical bag) and the Svbony 48P (rectangular bag). 





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44 minutes ago, sojourneyer said:

I got mine last week. 

It is a far cry from those 80ST scopes sold on the market. The build quality is tantamount to the Svbony ED scopes and AT scopes. Rugged and durable. Not lightweight aluminum.   The fit and finish is excellent. And the optics likewise.

I have some stoppage with the focuser at 42mm-50mm extension when I used my Celestron 8-24 zoom at over 60 degrees.  It might have been because I had the focus thumb screw too tight. I am going to check this out this afternoon. 

One thing is wish is that their was the same flexibility to affix a finder shoe that you find on the Svbony ED scopes rather than a fixed shoe. 

Now here is the BEST bag for the price  you can get for this scope.. It is fantastic. Under $30.  Not only that you can insert the original foam that came in the box in the bag.



Here are my Hemmotop bags that I use with my Svbony 80ED (cylindrical bag) and the Svbony 48P (rectangular bag). 





With that scope and a low power ep you don't need a finder un less its a SolSearcher for solar work !  I just told myself to not be so cheap and bought the Svbony bag and never regretted it for a moment, bar none.



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The Hemmotop bag opens completely up which I like. It is not being cheap but that I have had great experiences with the Hemmotop bags.... all 6 of them and the people who got them from me when I sold my scopes really like them

I definitely agree re the finder as my 32mm EP works well in that regard.

I started purchasing Hemmotop several years before Svbony ever came out with a bag.

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1 hour ago, sojourneyer said:

The Hemmotop bag opens completely up which I like. It is not being cheap but that I have had great experiences with the Hemmotop bags.... all 6 of them and the people who got them from me when I sold my scopes really like them

I definitely agree re the finder as my 32mm EP works well in that regard.

I started purchasing Hemmotop several years before Svbony ever came out with a bag.

Please note I told myself not to be cheap ! What you do is up to you.  PS:  But many have said / implied that $20 more for the Svbony is way too much, incl. on CN, its not after you see / feel its construction !

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For clarification I only use my bags as dust covers for my scopes in the den.

I have never taken a bag out of the house even though it is padded and well made.  Of the 1159 reviewers at Amazon the bag has received a rating of 4.8 out of 5 with 84% rating it 5 stars and another 11% rating it 4 stars.  That is pretty impressive.

I have never owned a Svbony bag so it would be unfair to try to make any comparison between the two.  Because something is cheaper does not mean it is cheap.

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