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Saturn - North Polar Hexagon

Stub Mandrel

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I'm gobsmacked!

I've spent the last four hours working through sorting some of the past three year's images so that instead of being arranged by date, they are sorted by target.

I've just found some runs on Saturn which I put through WinJuPos. I looked at this polar map and was gobsmacked to see, clear as a fuzzy thing in a snowstorm, the North Polar Hexagon!

It may not be brilliant, but I'm sure the dark area at the pole extends out further at roughly 120, 180 and 240 degrees. Not bad with a 6" scope with Saturn around 15 degrees! This was on 16 August 2018, 21:43 id anyone has a higher res image to compare it to.


This are ordinary images compiled from the same data:




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