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Is it me?


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Having very recently decided to take up this wonderful hobby/obsession and bought some binos and telescopes, I then had an operation on my finger which meant that I cannot hold binos or operate a scope. That will change in the next 3 weeks - at last! The interim has given me time to consider where to start and what to look at. I have decided that, although I won't ignore the rest of the cosmos, I really want to start with, and concentrate on, the moon, and am going to have a shot at the Lunar 100.

Not surprisingly, I have bought the Philip's Moon Map, Gerald North's Observing the Moon (2nd edition) and the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon. It is this last which has prompted this post.

All the pictures on the right hand pages look normal and as I would expect them to be, ie the craters look like craters, the mountains look like mountains etc. But the close-ups on the left pages, and especially of craters etc look as though they are raised rather than depressions. Hence the "is it me" title. I'm not a photography expert, but wondered if it is caused by the close-up.

I would be grateful if someone could explain it, or do I need the optician.

Many thanks.

Edited by Criermike
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