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Wizard and Crescent - DSLR ha & use fo FITS liberator

Stub Mandrel

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These are two images from last night, both 5-minute subs using my cooled 450D with the 130P-DS and a 7nmn Ha filter. They have been stretched in FITS Liberator and very lightly adjusted in photoshop. This is because they subs were very dark so I wanted to make full use of FITS Liberator's ability to stretch 32-bit data.

The wizard is 30 frames, the Crescent is 22. There's quite visible 'posterisation' if you zoom right in with the faintest areas, so if it's clear again tonight I will repeat the exact sequence with the hope of doubling my subs and doubling the range of pixel values. Very pleased with the lack of noise. Now to dig out my RGB ones and try making LRGB versions.




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Oh lordy!

I have discovered I was 'applying adjustments' to the FITS in DSS. As it was the default curve  with the data down near the left teh dark bits were being comressed, so little noise byt 'quantisation' = "posterisation".

So I'm reprocessing, the result is nosier backgrounds, but a much more natural appearance:





Edited by Stub Mandrel
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