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Basic widefield Imaging Primer for Lumix Cameras


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It's probably fair to say that most of us use Canon cameras for astrophotography, and for good reason - they're easy to mod, simple to operate, and then there's the software support. I've personally lost count of the Canon cameras I've used, but amongst them there has been a couple of Pany Lumix cameras which have done a good job, namely the G80 and now the GH3. Not the best low light performance but they do have some good traits. 

Anyway, I've noticed there isn't a lot info regarding astrophotography with Lumix cameras, so I thought I'd start a thread for Lumix users which might be interested in using their cameras for a spot of astro. 

I've just finished a light hearted video on the basics of widefield imaging with a GH3, and I have a few others which I'll post below to get the ball rolling. 

Please post any thoughts, experiences, tips for these cameras below :) 

Oh yeah, Olympus counts too as they share the same lens mount, lens eco system, and M43 size sensor. I do want to try an Olympus at some point.


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