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Moving from DSLR to CCD any tips?


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So I'm taking the leap and moving from imaging with a stock DSLR to a mono CCD and I'm asking for your help.

I bought a second hand Atik one 6.0 with Baader narrowband filters and I will also be getting the LRGB filters as soon as possible, but may have to start with NB. I have also ordered a ZWO ASI 120mm mini as a guide camera for my 9x50 finder scope. Previously I have only managed 90s unguided subs (with round stars) so autoguiding will be new to me as well. I'm planning on using PHD2 for guiding and APT for imaging (or Artemis capture, if APT doesn't work with the camera). I do have a laptop.

My current setup is:

Skywatcher EQ6 mount

Skywatcher Evostar 80ed DS-pro

Canon 600D stock

As I am just a beginner, I would be grateful for any advice and tips for getting started with CCD imaging, and with the software as well. I have been reading alot about CCD cameras and my head is spinning with all the new information. :)

Here is a picture of M42 taken in February (stock Canon 77D). 16 x 90s lights + darks, flats, bias. Stacked in DSS, processed in Photoshop.

Clear skies!




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Excellent M42. You should make a seamless transition to CCD and you have a super camera.

Personally I love Artemis Capture and would highly recommend it.

PHD2 is very painless. I would take a dark for the guide camera, follow the instructions and run the Guiding Assistant to refine calibration. Guide focus should be 'about right' but PHD actually prefers a slightly soft focus.

In NB I suggest you try different exposure lengths but in our similar Atik 460 we generally use 15 minute subs. I would say the camera will need darks, particularly if it isn't able to cool to -20.

Have fun!


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Thanks for the tips Olly! I might have a go with Artemis capture then. It will be a week or so until all of the gear has arrived. I can't wait to get some testing/capturing going on! Hopefully we'll have some clear skies. 



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2 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Sorry to but in.. but I always do... why is are CCD subs always so long? is it simply that they have more read noise or this there something more subtle about?

Well, first of all they're not. Plenty of CCD imagers will argue the case for shorter subs and I've stopped defending my occasional use of 30 min subs in one of my CCD cameras. I haven't stopped using 30 minute subs in it, though, when appropriate. I just post what I used and avoid the controversy. The other cameras I use seem not to benefit much beyond 15 minutes.

Are CCD subs long because they have high read noise? Seems reasonable. Are they long because the cameras have set point cooling? Seems reasonable. Why do I use them? Because they work. Why do they work? Honestly? Not a clue.

But had you seen this before? 30 minute subs. Beatable by modern CMOS chips and in shorter subs? I certainly expect so.  https://www.astrobin.com/295716/?image_list_page=2&nc=&nce=



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11 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

But had you seen this before? 30 minute subs. Beatable by modern CMOS chips and in shorter subs? I certainly expect so.  https://www.astrobin.com/295716/?image_list_page=2&nc=&nce=

Yes, it's disgustingly good 🙂

Perhaps the differences between cooled CCD and CMOS are now largely limited to amp glow (which is apparently really 'support circuitry glow') and if darks can get rid of this the practical  advantages of one over the other may now be largely hand waving.

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Attempting guiding and a mono camera and filters at the same time is a bit of a challenge, but hopefully the guiding will work for you straight away.  I have a feeling the Atik1 has a built in FW.

APT does work with the Atik cameras, and has lots of Bells and whistles that Artemis doesn't have.  But like Olly I absolutely love Artemis it is simple to use and I would recommend that you start with this rather than trying to learn too many things at once.  Though if you are already familiar with APT then the transition to a CCD should be fairly easy.

I have a few tutorials on Mono imaging on You tube, including 3 on the use of Artemis, and some on combining filters.

Here is a link to my webpage which lists them and gives links to the You Tube Tutorials.

The Artemis tutorials are half way down the page:







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On 15/09/2019 at 11:43, Stub Mandrel said:

Yes, it's disgustingly good 🙂

Perhaps the differences between cooled CCD and CMOS are now largely limited to amp glow (which is apparently really 'support circuitry glow') and if darks can get rid of this the practical  advantages of one over the other may now be largely hand waving.

Yes, I think CMOS is well and truly on the move.


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