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ZWO ASI294MC Pro - Short review (new user)


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I've recently bought an ASI294MC Pro camera from FLO and really enjoying the results.

Came with extension tubes, adapters and cables so it was easy to switch from the DSLR to the 294MC straight off. I've tried mounting the camera to three different scopes so far: W.O. ZS73 APO with 1x flattener, an Altair 115EDT-Apo and a Celestron Edge HD 8. Initially I just put the camera on these scopes in daylight to establish a focus position and note the focus tube scale readings to make it easier at night. having read a number of reviews and watched a few Y-tube videos I was aware that I could expect results with shorter sub lengths and use more of them. What I wasn't expecting was how much shorter the subs could be. With my CCD I typically used subs in the 5 - 10 min range with 15-20 mins not unknown. The ASI294MC Pro I'm down to 120s to 300s typically. 

The light backgrounds of the summer skies record very easily so I've found. Here I think I will need to reduce subs to 1 min and capture more of them to increase the ratio between the subject and background, using dither between frames to reduce noise.

I've added a couple of images from this camera on my Altair 115 EDT-APO refractor and iOptron CEM60 mount. Images are guided with a TS 80mm guide scope and ASI120MM camera.

This is just a short review of my dip into OSC cooled camera imaging. I've a lot to learn about this camera but just using basic settings to start with has for me yielded so surprising results:





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  • 2 weeks later...

An Update:

I'm enjoying OSC imaging with this camera. Few problems with dark frames to start with but found that (in PI) when doing an 'Image Calibration' not to check the boxes under the Master Dark for calibration and optimisation. It's really checking the optimisation box that causes the amp glow problem. I've also had to change my PI process routine a little.

At present I'm using SG Pro for capture and setting gain at 122 with off-set to 30. Exposures with this camera seem much shorter than I would use with the SX Trius 825 CCD. Obviously exposure length will depend on the subject but I'm talking in relative terms about exposures being shorter. For obects like M20, NGC6960 etc the 3, 5 and 10 mins are quite normal. With M27 I can add 2 min subs as it is quite a bright subject.

My skies aren't too polluted (Bortle 4) and I shoot with a 1¼" Baader UV/IR cut filter as close to the sensor as I can (The camera came with a 1¼" - 42mm adapter - I can fit the filter into the sensor side of the adapter that puts it almost onto the sensor window), I get a small (very small) vignette from the 1¼" filter which either ABE or DBE remove in the absence of a flat field master.

The camera is used predominately with my Altair 115 EDT-APO and Plano star 1x FF but also with a William Optics ZS 73 APO + Flat73A FF


M20 a reprocess of a 294MC Pro + 115 EDT APO sub set (300s subs x 6) minor crop to remove alignment error.

NGC 7331 & Co 4x 180s subs - full framing

Once darker skies return I'll give a further update plus I've just ordered a new scope so see how well the two go together...




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  • 7 months later...

Hi Francis,

I'm a bit late to this party, but i'm reviewing dedicated astro cams myself, as i intend purchasing one in the not to distant future. Still haven't decided yet. OSC, Mono, CCD, or CMOS. I see in your post, you are using a Baader UV/IR cut filter ?. I am quite puzzled by this, because reading up on it, it has a built in UV/IR cut filter. Can you shed some light on your train of thought ?

Regards John

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4 minutes ago, johngm said:

Hi Francis,

I'm a bit late to this party, but i'm reviewing dedicated astro cams myself, as i intend purchasing one in the not to distant future. Still haven't decided yet. OSC, Mono, CCD, or CMOS. I see in your post, you are using a Baader UV/IR cut filter ?. I am quite puzzled by this, because reading up on it, it has a built in UV/IR cut filter. Can you shed some light on your train of thought ?

Regards John

No, it has D32 AR window.

AR stands for Anti-Reflective.

You can find more about ZWO camera cover windows here:


As well as camera models having each (there are simple AR cover windows and IR/UV cut windows - depending on camera model)

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16 hours ago, vlaiv said:

No, it has D32 AR window.

AR stands for Anti-Reflective.

You can find more about ZWO camera cover windows here:


As well as camera models having each (there are simple AR cover windows and IR/UV cut windows - depending on camera model)

You are correct Vlaiv, i just checked, i must have been getting confused with one of the other cameras i was looking at 👍


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