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Dew On Guide Scope - Can I Use a Dew-Not Wrap On IT ?

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So the warm weather finally broke here in Kentucky and I was all set to try and capture more light frames of Andromeda -  which I started as my first "project" last weekend in some wonderful conditions - or so I thought.

Unfortunately the humidity that had accompanied the warm spell for the past week had remained. I have a single Dew-Not wrap on the main scope - and had not issues. But after a while I starting having issues with PHD and the captured images from my DSLR on the main scope showed poor guiding.  After realizing what was going on, I started wiping the quide scope lens (Orion 50 mm Mini) in-between captures but on 5 minute exposures it was a losing battle. So it turned out to not be a very productive night.

This may be a silly question - but can I put a Dew-Not wrap on the miniguider without damaging it ?  

In case the brand name is unfamilar - here 's a link to the manufacturer - https://www.dew-not.com/dew-not-desc-01.htm 

I have a Dew-Not controller that has four outputs and I'm only using one for the main scope right now.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.



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Yes definitely, you just need one the right size for the guidescope.  I use one on mine all the time.

My guider is the little gold tube, with the black dew band strap round it.  



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Absolutely... I have dew straps for all of my optics, SCT, refractor, finderscope and a small one for eyepieces with out any damage... the heating is only subtle and OK on all optics... you can also have a small fan gently blowing at the scope, that will keep dew at bay.

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Great - I've got three additional Dew-Not warmers coming.  Might as well help keep the finder scope stay clear as well.

For tonight,  if it becomes a problem (dew point is way down compared to yesterday at this time) I will use a fan we have - that is a great suggestion ! 

Thanks all !! 


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