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Comet C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS)

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Comet C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) imaged on August 13, 2019. With a approximate visual magnitude 13.5  shows a coma still very small with angular size of 0.5 arcminute and a short dust tail with lenght 1.5 arcminutes. This comet could be observable through binoculars on May 2020 with a brightness around magnitude 7.
Credits: Martin Vd Dussen and José J. Chambó.
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Comet C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) imaged on 2019 November 30 through IAC-80 Telescope in Teide Observatory (IAC). Shows a coma with 1.5 arcminutes of angular size (some 110 000 km in absolute size) and a dust tail which get out field whith at least 11 arcminutes lenght.


The attached image, at maximum resolution and stacked on the comet, don't shows any structure in the inner coma. At down-left I have included an Earth image at same scale of the comet.


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Comet C/2017 T2 PANSTARRS imaged on 2020 January 26 in a wide field picture  while passing near Double Cluster (NGC 869 down and NGC 884 up). The Double Cluster can be saw at naked eye between Perseus and Cassiopeia constellations, being a nice reference to find the comet with magnitude 9.5 using a small telescope. Moreover this image reveals intense green color in its gassy coma and its small dust tail which twists by solar presure.


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Comet C/2017 T2 PANSTARRS imaged on 2020 January 23. With a brightness at magnitude 9.5 besides a white internal coma  very condensed  and a dust tail 10 arcminutes length shows a green external coma of C2 which extens 7 arcminutes angular size.


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Comet C/2017 T2 PANSTARRS imaged on 2020 February 22, finally at first-hand from Sierra Enguera. With a brightness at magnitude 9 above a populated Milky Way background between Perseus and Cassiopeia, its strong green coma has 10 arcminutes angular size and its dust tail also some 10 arcminutes in lenght.


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Comet C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) imaged on 2020 February 18. With a brightness slowly increasing to magnitude 9 its green coma enhance intensity keeping 7 arcminutes angular size. Its dust tail has turned toward southeast with some 12 arcminutes lenght.


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Comet C/2017 T2 PANSTARRS imaged on 2020 February 16 on a Milky Way dense star field between constellations Cassiopeia and Perseus, the comet had then a brightness at magnitude 9 showing a faint external green coma very gassy with some 5 arcminutes angular size, together with a wide and short dust tail toward southeast.


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