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Which Skywatcher Explorer

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Hi All

Firstly thanks for the advice given on my other post, i  have decided to get a Skywatcher Explorer but i have not got a clue which one, either 130 or 150, i dont know what the letters after the number mean. After quite a bit of research i know i need a decent mount, i also want a smart phone adaptor and a solar filter, based on a Bresser Pollux 150/750 which originally caught my attention, but the reviews of this were poor. Thanks for the time in reading this

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I have a 150 PDS, 150 mm  diameter and 750 mm long (focal length) the S at the end means it shorter then the PD and is better for astrophotography.

I am very pleased with mine!! This photo shows my ED80 mounted on top of the 150PDS!




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