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I have not got a clue about telescopes, but want one that i can use a smart phone to take pictures,  can also use to look at the sun, i have been looking at the Bresser pollux 150/750  as this seems to have everything im after, but as mentioned earlier, aint got a clue as to if it is any good, im open to suggestions, i am looking to pay up tp £350

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Hi @Plumb71 and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

OK! so you want to observe the Sun. 

I admit I have not done any research on the ‘scope you are contemplating on purchasing, so please accept my apologies in advance.

To begin with you are going to need a solar filter. These are either full aperture or off-axis and made from glass or a safety solar film... or you can DIY with a sheet of solar safety film, cardboard and self-adhesive tape and if you have any left over make one for your finderscope too, (assuming it has one)... or remove it! - if it comes with an RDF... remove it too! - Do not be tempted to purchase/use any solar filter that screws onto an eyepiece, as the type shown in the image below... 738812906_Screenshot(37).png.f89f51468cec5fa9a157afa9643d8e0b.png

These filters are 100% dangerous and should not be used and be consigned to a locked cupboard/drawer/waste bin. There is a video somewhere on the internet showing what can happen. WARNING! it does show scenes of extreme graphic/gory content. 

Every type of solar filter needs to be thoroughly checked before each and every use for defects, i.e. pinholes, tears, etc. If you see any defect, no matter how small, do yourself a favour... consign to the waste bin and purchase or make another.

You are also going to need some kind of mounting bracket to attach your smartphone/tablet to the eyepiece. I will not recommend what/which brand as there are so many types. You may get better results with a compact digital camera or DSLR. I am sure other SGL’ers will offer more advice than I have here.

Below is my white-light solar setup - I use a 70mm refractor and a 1.25" solar wedge with built-in ND3.0 filter.


Edited by Philip R
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Hi and another welcome to SGL.

Good advice from Philip. I would add to this by saying take your time. Have a look on SGL at reports and reviews on scopes from other members.
You might want to think about buying used kit. Typically it is 2/3 of new price and less.
SGL members usually have kit for sale in excellent condition and if not, are open and honest right down to mentioning a paint chip of mark on a dovetail.
Avoid ebay for kit. It is very risky unless you know what you are looking at.

Enjoy the journey,



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12 hours ago, Plumb71 said:

I have not got a clue about telescopes, but want one that i can use a smart phone to take pictures,  can also use to look at the sun, i have been looking at the Bresser pollux 150/750  as this seems to have everything im after, but as mentioned earlier, aint got a clue as to if it is any good, im open to suggestions, i am looking to pay up tp £350

You also mentioned the Skywatcher 150 (150/750?) in your previous thread. The Bresser's mount is not as good as the EQ3 supplied with the Skywatcher 150/750 .The mount should also be a consideration when deciding upon a new telescope.

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