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Fixing warped dust cap/cover

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I bought a Skymax 180 pro in december last year from FLO. It has a warped front cover (cap)that does not sit tight on the scope so it lets in some dust and falls off from time to time. Is there a way to fix this? I've tried to put some weights on it and keep it that way and to store the scope upright but there is no difference. It just goes back to the original position. Is there any way to fix this? I would like to avoid buying a new one. I have no idea where to buy from either.

Edited by Arminovski
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Experienced the same kind of thing with my two OOUK dobs. Particularly annoying when I load the tube into the car. For the 14" dob, I replaced with Astrozap (breathable fabric / elasticated) dust covers. The 8", only one of the plastic dust covers would come lose. The solution is simple, wrap onto the inner rim black electrical type PVC tape, it works a treat.

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Thanks. I'll try but the cover is not too small. It is physically warped so that one end connects and the opposite hangs outside in the air. :(  Not sure that I would dare to put something soft in front of the front corrector on a mac.

Any way to heat up the plastic somehow in order to permanently fix the issue? Or smething else? Any ideas?

It feels good to pay a good amount for a new scope and then have to fiddle with these kind of things. 😕

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