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Home made 2" Eyepiece


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I haven't had a 2"eyepiece so decide to try make one. Salvaged objectives from 2 sets of old binos 50mm and 30mm. Just used right size plastic pill containers for barrel. Used all four lenses, the two 50mm close together at the bottom with two 30mm for the eye end with about 20mm gap between the 2 sets.  Pretty nice low magniofication about 20x and pinpoint stars, looked at Jupiter very small at 20x but could discern surface lines. This will be great for star hopping wide field and deep sky searches (when there's no moon).

Also got a couple of 1.25 eyepieces that work very nicely (16mm - 17mm I think) remounting bino eyepieces in 35mm film canister and pvc tube. Results photo from 2" with Samsung phone 2nd photo with adjusted contrast.

M Eyepiece1.jpg

Moon 2.jpg

Moon 1.jpg

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1 hour ago, Captain Magenta said:

superb, I love it!

Did you design what you needed re focal lengths spacings etc or was it just trial and error?

Totally trial and error, I have no idea what I'm doing! Tried various configurations of lenses facing each other /facing same way /facing opposite ways.

Followed Red Henry's design ideas for the 2", some people call it a di-plossl, I'm really not sure though.

The 1.25's are easy as the bino eyepiece is in like a little pod, I just wound  few rounds of electrical tape till its thick eough to fit in the 35mm film canister with its bottom cut off... no design required. Bino eyepieces are usually good quality due to short focal length binoculars have, so they work very well in a telescope

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12 hours ago, strayring said:

Followed Red Henry's design ideas for the 2", some people call it a di-plossl, I'm really not sure though.

I was going to say, it sounds a lot like CN's Martin Pond's "di-plossl".

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Binocular objectives make for good focal reducers too and I used a couple for visual for some years with good results, my first 1.25 eyepiece was two 24mm binocular objectives in a metal film canister and those eventually served as focal reducers once I actually began purchasing 1.25 eye pieces for use in my hardware store made out of plumming parts focuser.

My latest repurpose is an old garage door opener brace for use as a bracket tying two scope rings together for a vixen shoe to mount my laser on my static eeva rig, a piece of that was also adapted for a guide handle on my 90mm f11 achro...

Even though I can afford things more easily now days and almost anything can be bought I still enjoy  filling in the gaps now and then when the parts required do not exist or are just silly expensive.

Nice work and pics.




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Thanks Freddie,

Very innovative of you.

There is an Afrikaans saying in our country (n' boer maak n' plan) , which means - "a farmer always makes a plan".

Maybe we have a little farmer blood in our veins :)



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10 minutes ago, strayring said:

Thanks Freddie,

Very innovative of you.

There is an Afrikaans saying in our country (n' boer maak n' plan) , which means - "a farmer always makes a plan".

Maybe we have a little farmer blood in our veins :)


I work for a South African company, and they're forever "sure, let's make a plan" . Which I've learned to roughly translate as "not now" .

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