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M79 Oliver must try harder.


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I'm afraid I rather gobbled the processing of this image the other day. Since he's such a pretty little fella I thought I'd try to do him justice.

Olly. (Meade 127 - Atik 16HR - LRGB).

PS You will all be tickled to know that it has snowed here and I couldn't play last night! Meanwhile my pal Tom in Ireland got three and a half hours of gorgeous Ha on the Rosette. Humph.


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I'm not sure, Olly, I think I like your earlier version better. The stars seemed more natural and less heavily processed: in this later image the haloes are more pronounced and the colouring looks a bit off-centre - on my bright monitor at any rate. But that goes to show: judgement of an image is a highly personal and subjective thing. Hope you don't mind! It's an excellent capture, of a lovely glob anyway; and one I'd dearly like to have a go at - but it's out of reach for me until I can fix a winter trip to my kit!

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