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80mm refractor for solar observation

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For solar observation using a baader filter would there be a considerable difference between an 80mm ED and 80mm Achro scope ? Can anybody recommend an affordable scope / eyepiece combination for use wuth the Baader type filters ? I realise that a PST is much better piece of equipment but it is a bit of a one trick (all be it a good one) pony when you do not have much of a budget. Thanks in advance.


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I wouldn't have thought so- but if you fancy a Celestron 80mm F11 achro for 30.00 pm me, I'll even throw in the solar filter( baader film) a 20mm EP and the celestron go-to GT mount& bits for free( it's a bit sick but will track the sun!), I think one of the plastic cogs slips on slewing but tracking appears ok

Karlo :):D

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Beamish that is a great offer, I am having trouble sending the PM (or I am doing it wrong and you have 5 !). If you are happy to post it at my expense that would be great. Send me a PM with you phone no. etc and I will contact you. Cheers,


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Just like to take the opportunity to apologise to the Mods, didn't mean to turn this into a Buy&Sell, just so happened I was wondering what to do with the 80mm earlier in the day prior to this being posted,given it's just sat there doing nowt. Given that it would have done the job for Martin, I made the offer. :oops:

Sorry :)


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