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Cygnus + a few more.


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Set up 10.30pm been having problems with the mount again so I have been ticking off things wrong anyway I bought two new RA and Dec cables and reset the handset to factory settings.

Still light but managed to polar align put my scope and weights on polar aligned again only needed an adjustment.

Switched on had input all my information again then I thought  1 star alignment  gave me Arcturus but scrolled through to Altair it was on the very edge of my Telrad rings so brought it back to the middle alignment successful.

Now a couple to see if it is right.

Jupiter two bands 1 star on one side other 3 lined up on the other side nearly central so quite happy with that.

M 29 nice open cluster and again nearly central.

M 39 another open cluster again central.

NGC 6910 "Rocking Horse"  I have been shown this before I had tried a few nights ago but the mount was not playing ball this time unmistakable lovely star field easily recognised as a Rocking Horse by this time am a happy bunny.

Quite dark now so one cluster before I start my double hunt NGC 457 one of my favourites and yes there he is bang in the middle.

On to doubles as I am in Cygnus has to be Albireo with my BST 15mm lovely contrasting coloured double, yellow and blue very distinctive.

26 Cygni SAO 0490 98 with a separation of 41.4°  this is a wide pair yellow/orange with a turquoise companion.

29 Cygni SAO 0696 78 with a separation of 215.8° this is very wide with a blue/white and Yellow/orange pair.

61 Cygni SAO 0709 19  with a separation of 31.1° twin yellow/orange I could see what looked like another pair NE in the FOV  this is also known as "Piazzis flying star"

16 Cygni SAO 0318 98 with a separation of 39.1°  lovely pair of pale yellow stars with loads of stars all around.

59 Cygni SAO 0503 35 this is a triple with separation of 20.4°/26.5° giving the illusion its an easy split its not I had to use a Meade 6.4mm x184 to split.  Yellow/Orange primary with two tiny companions.

52 Cygni SAO 0704 67  with a separation of 6.4° another close split with my Meade 6.4mm Yellow/orange with a tiny spec.

49 Cygni SAO 0703 62 with a separation of 3° I was not sure I would get this but as seeing was very good I tried and a couple of closer ones which surprised.  Had to use a generic 4mm at x295  I saw Orange with a blue/green companion.

24 Cygni SAO 0321 14 with a separation of 2.9° using the 4mm again split nicely pale yellow with blue companion.

Last I tried for a closer double

δ Delta Cygni SAO 0487 96 with a separation of 2.5° used the 4 mm again as this is the highest mag I have and to my delight it split only just but it did Lemon primary with a tiny almost touching silverish companion.

Last couple 

Double double in Lyra  easily split with my Meade 6.4mm 

Saturn next and I banged up the mag best I have seen it in ages could of sworn with averted I could see the Cassini division I did see 2 moons which I was happy about.

Finally before I packed up a cluster a good friend said to try IC 4756 "Graph`s" what a cluster so large even with 25mm could not frame it.

All in all a very good night the mount and especially the scope really impressed me with the close doubles one happy chap.


Edited by wookie1965
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