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Jupiter 20th to 21st June.


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This is my first proper go at Jupiter, taken during the Io transit. 

Taken with a Canon 200D on a Skywatcher 200p dobsonian telescope.  No tracking, 1.5 minutes @ 50 fps.

Stacked 25 % of images.  Processed using PIPP, autostakkert, registax and Gimp.




Jupiter 19-06-2019_25.jpg

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For me, i am very happy how this image turned out. It amazes me how an image can be 'brought out' from a short video of Jupitor. After taking the video, i viewed it back and it was just a black screen with a small circle moving through it. You could just make out one of the bands on the planet. Then after following one of the guides on here about stacking, i am then presented with this image.

I can see my bank balance getting a hammering soon 😀

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