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Telescope won't focus or defocus at all?

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2 hours ago, Dillon Jones said:

I have a polaroid reflector telescope. I can turn the focuser and the lens moves, but it seems to be always blurry. Can you help?

Are you looking at objects close to, or at astro objects? The scope won't come to focus below a certain distance. Have you tried it looking at the moon?

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Oh dear, from the reviews I've seen of this scope I think even if it is in focus the views will still be blurred. I have never read such terrible reviews for any telescope before.

I think the only advice I could give you would be to save up for a much better scope. Once we know how much money you have to spend we can give you the best advice to help you get a good telescope.

Sorry to be so negative but we all want the best result for all our forum members.

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This telescope appears to be supplied with H8 and SR4 eyepieces, plus a 3x barlow, all in 0.965" format. Of these, only the 8mm eyepiece has any chance of being any use at all and the 0.965" size will make buying additional eyepieces difficult. Low quality but usable H20 and H12.5 plastic eyepieces were still available a few years back and you would probably see an improvement with them, but your best option, if available, would be to return this telescope and start again with a better telescope.

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