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M1 "The Crab Nebula" closeup in HST palette


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Hi All

It was very clear last night but also very cold and windy, following on from MartinB's excellent thread on whether it is worth bothering with SII when doing NB imaging I thought I'd have a go at M1 in the HST palette, I had planned on 9x10 minutes Ha and 12x10 minutes each for OIII and SII, giving a bit more time to OIII and SII as they have a tendency to need more help than Ha. What was surprising was the amount of OIII and SII evident in the subframes (for me anyway as this is my first attempt at this subject in NB). Unfortunately things didn't go to plan as when the SII subframes were being done at 4am onwards the subject was getting very low in the sky and after 5 subframes a tree got in the way, so the SII master frame had quite a bit of noise in it.

I took the image with the TMB 115 and H36 whicg gave a very small image of M1 in a large widefield so the image I have posted here is a cropped closeup of the 100% zoomed widefield so please excuse the quality. I think it is evident that there is good contribution from all the emission lines so I have to say that in respect of this subject at least, SII was definitely worth it. The full widefield is on my website http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk in the nebulae section of the image gallery, thanks for looking

Best wishes




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