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M81 & M82, Short dSLR Session


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I was trying to install and use new software and get it a trial run to get some experience with, switching over to APT (Astrophotography Tool) from BackyardEOS for my limited DSO imaging that I do from time to time with an unmodified uncooled dSLR from my fairly dark skies (yellow/green zone) in the country side in west central Florida. My main reason of switching to APT was similar interface, simplicity, inexpensive and has easy to use plate solving with AllSkyPlateSolver (ASPS) which worked like a charm. I tried it on a few targets and it literally dead-centered each subject, it was such a refreshing process and so simple and fast to get onto a subject. So, I just put my kit together, didn't even bother balancing so it was off-balance significantly but at this imaging scale and weight, my mount doesn't mind too much as long as I'm guiding (which showed it was not happy, but managed to keep it together long enough to get some data on a subject last night). I've never imaged M81 & M82, so this is a first for me in general as I'm looking at the galaxies in my Northern hemisphere through the summer, before I start looking at the core of our galaxy and the tons of DSO in there later this summer. Just never enough time right?

Wide uncropped FOV:


Cropped FOV:


Lights 38 x 180s

Flats 21

Bias 21

Dithering every frame (still working on how aggressive to be with number of pixels)


Orion ED80 + Orion 0.8x FR (480mm F6) + Canon 650D (T4i)

Orion ST80 + ASI174MM (Guiding)

Orion Sirius on the pier (EQmod, ASCOM, Stellarium, PHD2, Astrophotography Tool and AllSkyPlateSolver)

Guiding was bad, but I didn't balance it. I literally took my C8 Edge off and put this setup on top in the saddle and took a weight off. I'm surprised I was able to even get it to work doing this. I originally planned to test it just to learn to use APT and plate solving together for future sessions, but it was so easy that I had time to go ahead and get some integration time on M81 & M82 so I figured, why not... It was enough to keep my 1.85"/pixel scale happy and keep things round and fairly tight. The mount was not pleased with it though, but it suffered through it....



And of course, my yard lions kept the spiders and bats at bay in the rafters of my observatory's roll off roof... :lol: 


Very best,

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