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I would like to share an exciting target
A couple of nights ago after splitting the Double-Double, I decided to observe Epsilon A Bootis ; called Izar, or Pulcherrima
This is one notch harder to split, because Orange K type mag 2+ Izar easily drowns out its companion blue Epsilon B (mag 5.something)

With my Nexstar 6se and 10mm no show for Epsilon B ; however with 6mm it did show up !! A fine, fine sight... even if some excellent optics are needed to split it.

Colour contrast striking, and on the whole a super worthwhile target / exercise... perhaps a well known one, but was new for me!!

Ciao, and somebody please shoo away the clouds!

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Nice report :smiley:

Izar is indeed a fine binary star - I was observing it myself last night, during a gap in the cloud cover.

Alkalurops (Mu Bootis) is another fine binary in that constellation - a bright star with a tight dimmer pair very nearby.

Delta Cygni is also starting to show well later in the evening as well now - another nice challenge !

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Izar is famous for being pretty and being a good test of the telescope, the observer and the sky conditions. It has been split by oldtimers with apertures around 2 inches only but even my 5-inch Celestron has a tough time with it when the air is not super steady. My 80mm does not require such rare air conditions, though.

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