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A Cluster of Globulars


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5 minutes ago, PhotoGav said:

Re-centering on the imaging target having slewed to the focus target is indeed a manual operation. IIRC, I turned Autofocus off in the SGP sequence and set the focus reminder pop up. When it was time to focus, I paused PHD2, clicked the Focus Target button and the scope slewed to the Focus position (having set up the focus destination earlier - I can’t remember if the focus destination persists between session, I don’t think so?). I manually ran an autofocus routine. Once focussed I right clicked on the target name and chose ‘centre on target’, it did its thing and once back on target, I restarted PHD2 and clicked to carry on the sequence. A bit tedious to say the least, but at least you get sharp globulars!

Hi Gav, thanks for the detailed explanation, which is what I feared, but I'll give it a try. I find myself sitting there watching the AF hoping and praying for a decent V curve, often to see it fail and have to rerun it, so I may as well cut to the chase and focus away from the cluster... Cheers, Geof

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The focus Target in SGP took some hunting as it is not in any of the menu drop down lists.

I asked the question on the Main Sequence forum and got the following from Ken: -

SGPro does both of those things… you should always prefer “on target” focus first. If that does not contain sufficient data for focus, then consider other alternatives like pausing to go to an off target guide star. One day, depending on demand, we may attempt to automate that process… SGPro has all the pieces and parts in it to do this… some things to consider like focus target on different side of meridian and junk like that.

It strikes me that SGP doesn't look at it as a desirable or worthwhile addon, which is disappointing.



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Poor Ken & Jared have been subjected to a lot of stick about SGP’s focusing over recent months. Hopefully a complete rethink and major improvement to the algorithm is what they are concentrating on, rather than a work around. I live in hope anyway!

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It does need looking at Gav, I know we both asked for a cancel/abort function that Jared says is in the current Beta.

The focusing works for me, but there again I usually double check if I am not happy by using a Bahtinov Mask.

In an ideal world we should be provided on the sequencer tab the option to go to a different plate solve co-ordinate before commencement of the sequence, seems simple enough but I bet it isn't.

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