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Supernova alerts

Erling G-P

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Hi all,

Have taken my first stumbling steps into this fascinating hobby since last summer.

One thing I always hoped to do sometime, was taking a photo of a supernova (preferably in the Milky Way, but realistically in another galaxy.. 😉)

Only learned about SN2019ehk in M100 through this forum some two weeks after it was detected.  Rushed out with my telescope and managed to capture it, despite the Moon doing its best to spoil it.   Got the awful picture below, mostly due to the Moon's light pollution, but at least the supernova is clear.

Subsequently wondered if there is such a thing as a supernova alert, aimed at amateur astronomers.  Google suggests Sky & Telescope used to have one, but it appears to no longer be active.  As an alternative, I've signed up for alerts from The Astronomer's Telegram.  I'm getting several alerts almost every day, but none of it seems to be something I could hope to image.

Does anyone know if there is a relevant service for us amateurs - would hate to miss another opportunity!  (I have waited for a chance to image M100 again since the first one, but weather hasn't cooperated, and I'm afraid M100 is slipping out of my 'window' for this year) 


Erling G-P


M100 Supernova pointer.jpg

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