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3 satellites in a line

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that is so cool. I'm totally into the night sky but have zero knowledge. you know, bandy about random facts etc. this site is great! Found it from the need to ask the question above. I couldn't imagine something human made would behave like that, but - yes it can!

Thanks for your reply and links.


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Can't take credit for the video but yeah its 60 satellites in a row, the ones at the end of the chain are getting further apart as they climb higher (I think, at least thats my understanding of it). I managed to catch a glimpse of all 60 as they got brighter in the east.

The ones at the front are still very close together and look more like this:


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If you look at Stellarium in fast forward mode, you will regularly see 2 and sometimes 3 satellites following each other pass by overhead. I forget their name, ill have a look and come back and post again. But they are there, ive seen em. 

Get back to you shortly





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Here you go, found the two i was talking about


NOSS 3-7 (A) and NOSS 3-7 (R)

Norad satellites.  See attached image, the other is circled in red.

Passing through the pan of Ursa Major at 2.58 am today above Biggin Hill in the SE of the UK. 





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48 minutes ago, theclearskiesofthemoon said:

I see those 2-3 line satellites at least a few times each year. I've seen even rarer pairings, but those might have been one offs for a satellite launch or ISS supply missions.

Its pretty cool seeing satellites travelling so "close". I will never forget the time my wife and i were on the balcony of our flat at 2am watching a magnitude -8 Iridium flare. As that one was fading off, my wife says "what is that chasing it?" and lo and behold, seconds apart and very very close, a second flare of the same magnitude, only this one wasn't listed on Heavens Above...pretty cool to see. 

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