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Multiple asi cameras

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I've been considering getting a second imaging camera for wide field which would be piggybacked on my esprit 100 for use with with lenses between 35mm and 200mm focal length. I was planning on the 183mm as that would also be handy for extending the reach for the esprit for lets say galaxies. However I'm wondering how feasable it will be to connect everything and wondered if anyone knew how feasible this is. 

The setup would have 3 zwo asi cameras - a 1600mm, 224mc for guiding and lets say a 183mm. Each would be connected via a dedicated usb cable. Dithering I think would be ok as long as the piggyback scope is wide enough for it not to interfere. 

However asi cameras seem to have only two slots in sequence generator pro. asi(1) and asi(2). How would you connect the third camera? I was assuming the main camera on the scope would run in sequence generator pro with the guide scope on phd. Then a second instance of SGP would run the third camera and have no control of mount of guide scope. 

Is this possible? Any thought/advise appreciated.

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