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7x42 format.


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I have been a

I have been able to use some binocular 7x50 as an astronomical observation instrument, and the truth is that it has given me good ... but only in dark skies, maybe it's the 7mm of exit pupil, in suburban skies the bottom of the sky has always been too much clear, losing contrast the images provided. I would like to ask you if some of you have been able to compare them with the 7X42 format ... and the advantages, if any, they have. I imagine that the biggest opening, of 50mm will always have an advantage over 42mm, maybe the format 7x42 has a greater AFOV, less weight ..., maybe these are some advantages in favor of the 7X42 format.Has anyone seen superiority in some 7X42 vs 7X50 ...?
I would like to hear your opinions on this topic.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Paul

I have used a pair of 8x40s, the Olympus dpsi, which give a very pleasing FOV, about 8degrees if I remember rightly and they are going to be that little less weighty than a 50mm but of course you are sacrificing that extra apeture  needed to pull out those fainter objects..  if the unstable image was an issue I would stick with the heavier larger bins and tripod mount them...

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  • 2 months later...

I use a pair of 8 x 42s and a pair of 10 x 50s. You can see the difference in light gathering power (not huge though) but I love the lightness and the wide field of view of the 8 x 42. I always find myself grabbing the smaller binocular for having a quick look outside. The Monarch 5's are very nice to use.

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